          Fritzl the Freak: Convicted of homicide in incest case Fritzl the Freak: Convicted of homicide in incest case... http://www.drudgerep 西服 It is criminal court, you the Jury must have to seek the bottom line hea 開幕活動rtlessly, therefore, you need to question yourself, why your government must have right to abused public 找房子 power to kill Timothy McVeigh parents's good kid? Why your government can kill other's son, that stupid bad ugly evil 婚禮顧問civilian cannot kill his own son that even China Dynasty King did offend no one? Why Donald Trump and Hakeem Abdul Olajuwon and Hollywood Wood Al 太平洋房屋len can openly buy sex with the young woman younger enough to be their daughter? Not mention USA liar President Bill Clinton did to Monica, USA heavy weight politician 室內裝潢Bob Dole did to Elizabeth, the State of Kentucky senior Senator did to Elaine Chao(趙小蘭), all got your USA government endorsement for that sex crimes. You as Jury need to question you 膠原蛋白r government, why xxck his own daughter in incest, xxck other's daughter got your government endorsed? You the Jury needs to have the righteous eyes to see that so called by your stupid bad ugly evil media "F 酒店工作ritzl the Freak" may looked too ugly to forgive, yet, he's obviously less evil than your public office ass whore evil political and money chained animals committed "Sell and Buy" sex crimes sucks that your stupid bad ugly evil Medi 西裝a not only failed to do their duty to kill them all but also committed the sucking crime to covered, bent or sided with their crimes. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 系統傢俱  .

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