          Chinese Chongqing Dog 重慶犬(川東犬) The Chinese Chongqing Dog is a rare breed of dog native to the Chongqing city of China, somewhat like a bulldog-Thai ridgeback mix (not, however, descended from either of these) but with a distinct tail, color, and coat. In its early years 租房子, it was used for hunting wild boar and rabbits, but it's now used in China to protect families and belongings. They are an ancient, natural breed said to have existed for 2,000 years sinc 西裝外套e the time of the Han Dynasty in Ancient China. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the dog was almost eliminated, leaving only peasants and rural people to keep the dog, which i 信用卡代償s why the breed is rare even in China.The Chongqing dog may be protective of its family and owners, but if a stranger to the dog is kind and the owner is present, the dog will grow to respect it. They are usually a good family compa 居酒屋nion. However, these dogs are said to be wary of unknown strangers, and if it senses fear, it will prepare for action and attack if any false moves or suspicious actions are made.[1] Males are usually 16-19 and a half inches (40-50 cm) tall and Females 好房網are from 14 to 16 inches (35-40 cm). Males weigh from 44-54 pounds (20-25 kilograms) and Females are 33-44 pounds (15-20 kilograms). No known major health problems occur in this breed, because there has been no inbreeding. However, because of the thin coat, some individual dogs 節能燈具develop skin problems. The life expectancy is 18 years for both males and females. No specific grooming is required, as this is a short-haired breed and not known for showing.^ Planet Dog: A Doglopedia, Sandra & Harry Choron. Houghton. 2005. ISBN 0-618-51752-9. LC 2005013435. 重?酒店工作y犬(???????)??、中??重慶原??狩?用?古代犬種???。英名???????????????????(英:Chinese Chongqing Dog)。日本???後知名度?無?????、?前?重慶犬 ?呼?????。中?以外??????知???????、2000年以上??史?持?古代犬種???。???????????犬種??????????犬種?自然交配?、固定化???出??犬種????考??????。力強???、原?地????熊???大型??狩????用?????? 房屋二胎。??、家畜 ?見張??番犬????使?????、不審者?客??????主人?吠??知?????。????時中?中?政府???命令????、他?犬種????多??撲殺??????、?滅寸前?追?????????。?後????他地域??開????重慶犬?主人?????????、再生計??犬種????結成???。現在???少??珍??犬種????、少?????回復?????。??、????合?????? ???頭?珍犬種???輸出???。 ????見??????出???犬種?????、???中??清?呼?????時 酒店打工代??日本??輸入???????????。現在?在日中?人???????日本?連????????以外?見??????出???。???古?犬種????、FCI??公認??????。外見????? ???????足??2?割?????姿??????、????犬種?血?全?入?????。長??立?耳?垂?尾????????、毛色????????????色。引?締???体???背?平?、????味???????長?。体高?雄40~50cm、雌35~40cm、体重?雄20~25kg、雌15~20kg。遺伝的???????病??無?、?命?15~18年???? 好房網長?。  .

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